Monday, 29 November 2010


So we have some fantastic news; we are now only £2500 off the full amount of money we need for our DTS. This is so astounding as we had no idea the money would come in this quickly, and also because we weren't sure it would come in at all! Look out Switzerland, we're on our way...

How to say the next bit without being really cheesy? Writing about missions brings out the terribly patronising and religious part of my vocabulary, which will probably only get worse once writing proper newsletters. Sorry. Commence some jargon:
We sat in church last night and reflected on how blessed we are to be part of Southover. Our friends have taught us the meaning of family and community, and we've been overwhelmed by the kindness of Southover as a whole. The last year or so has really taught us a lot about how church should function and also about God's kindness and generosity - revealed in so many ways. The money that's come in has shown us his faithfulness and that people who love him are pretty good at loving others. In terms of moving away from such wonderful friends, leaving is going to be a very hard thing to do.

Having said that, I think that if we tried to chicken out the Watsons would march us to the airport and force us onto the plane, because they are very good friends indeed! 

Some things it'd be great if you could pray about:
- The rest of the money.
- Practical arrangments and admin type things like medical insurance etc.
- John's last few weeks of work. He wants to 'leave well' and is finding it hard to walk away from the people he's been caring for, please pray that this last stretch will be good.
- For everyone else who is going to be on the same course, that they'll all be able to get there so we can meet them! 

Love, J & F

Monday, 1 November 2010



so we did our presentations yesterday, and everybody was very nice about what we said. We got really rather more compliments on our style and content than I consider warranted, but still warmed by how lovely our Southover family are. It's going to be hard to leave. Personally, I discovered a love of talking into a microphone about my own opinions - John says perhaps I had better avoid public speaking for a while so as to avoid an exploded ego.  

So. Fundraising news:we had an amazing gift given to us on Sunday evening that gets us on our way to the YWAM dream, and we were very touched and grateful to the person in question. Who shall remain anonymous!

On thursday John and I have an appointment at the bank to open a 'YWAM account' so we can put all the money safely in one place. Handmade Christmas presents are underway (the relatives are always kind and encouraging about my handicraft efforts so i'm going to inflict some more on them), family arrangements over Christmas are nearly finalised and people are starting to get excited about 24-7 Prayer. It's been a good weekend. Thank you.

"Then look Christ in the face - whose mercy you have professed to obey - and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world."
William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army  