Saturday 1 January 2011

Four sleeps to go

First things first: Hi there 2011, nice to meet you.

As the title suggests, its four sleeps until we go. Suitcases are packed, John is happy on his iphone ('i alone') and the evening lends itself to reflection, at least until Come Fly With Me is on telly...
The last month or so has been more fun than I thought would be allowed this side of heaven. We got to hang out with some YWAM types in the run up to Christmas - they all seem to have hairy beards and a horizontally laid back approach to life. But they'll roar like lions to give the voiceless a voice. We'd love to be like that (but i'm a girl and I don't want a hairy beard).

We're only going for a five month DTS but as everyone knows we hope this to be the first step of a lifelong road trip for Jesus ("people write their addresses in pencil and wonder at their strange existence"), the farewells are getting pretty teary. I love this town. We love our church and our friends and the lessons we've learnt here. If it wasn't for the way the internet makes distances tiny I don't think i'd handle leaving people at all.

At the same time, I know we're created for something different than this 9-5 (not that we've ever done 9-5 but I think we're a bit odd like that) (I like it). It's time to get out into that big wide world and start shaking the dead awake...

Things to nag God about:
- Our rest, especially John who keeps waking in the early hours to think about what to pack and how to get everything done etc etc.
- Getting all the thank yous and goodbyes done as well as possible
- Getting on the plane etc
- Not scaring our new friends in Switzerland and that they'll like us
- um, that my suitcase will miraculously float above the scales and they won't notice i've completely exceeded the weight limit through my obsession with garments.

To end, here's a quote from the song i'm listening to as I type:
'He'll break open the skies to save those who cry out his name'

Oh yeah, and we got all the money! God is a funny Father who likes us lots. :-)

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